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  • Supreme Court Of India
    (From : AIROnline 2019 P and H 2159)

    Hon'ble Judge(s) Hon'ble Judge(s): J. K. Maheshwari, Rajesh Bindal , JJ

    Parminder Singh v. Honey Goyal

    D.O.D : 18/03/2025

    Appeal Allowed

    (A) Motor Vehicles Act (59 of 1988) , S.168— Motor accident - Enhancement of compensation - Claimant was a young boy of 21 years of age at time of accident and had suffered quadriplegia which resulted in his 100% permanent disability - Claimant was learning work for becoming a Veterinary Doctor and was a good sportsman and had certain technical qualification to his credit - Assessment of income at less than minimum wage for unskilled worker was erroneous and hence reassessed - Multiplier of 18 was rightly applied by High Court - 40% of income was added towards future prospects which High Court had failed to add - Claimant being 100% disabled, was granted in lump sum , expenses towards attendant - Compensation towards special diet was enhanced - Considering significant impact of disability on life of claimant, amount towards pain and suffering was also enhanced - In addition, compensation was awarded for future medical expenses and for loss of marriage prospects - Compensation was also granted towards physiotherapy and medical expenses - Compensation was enhanced accordingly.

    AIROnline 2019 P and H 2159-Reversed(Paras9101112)

    (B) Motor Vehicles Act (59 of 1988) , S.168— Motor accident Compensation - Mode of payment - General practice followed by insurance companies, where compensation was not disputed, was to deposit same before the Tribunal - Instead of following that process, a direction can always be issued to transfer amount into bank accounts of claimants with intimation to Tribunal - Directions issued accordingly.

    In cases pertaining to compensation awarded under the Motor Vehicles Act, the general practice followed by the insurance companies, where the compensation is not disputed, is to deposit the same before the Tribunal. Instead of following that process, a direction can always be issued to transfer the amount into the bank account(s) of the claimant(s) with intimation to the Tribunal For that purpose, the Tribunals at the initial stage of pleadings or at the stage of leading evidence may require the claimant(s) to furnish their bank account particulars to the Tribunal along with the requisite proof, so that at the stage of passing of the award the Tribunal may direct that the amount of compensation be transferred in the account of the claimant and if there are more than one then in their respective accounts. If there is no bank account, then they should be required to open the bank account either individually or jointly with family members only. It should also be mandated that, in case there is any change in the bank account particulars of the claimant(s) during the pendency of the claim petition they should update the same before the Tribunal. This should be ensured before passing of the final award. It may be ensured that the bank account should be in the name of the claimant(s) and if minor, through guardian(s) and in no case it should be a joint account with any person, who is not a family member. The transfer of the amount in the bank account, particulars of which have been furnished by the claimant(s), as mentioned in the award, shall be treated as satisfaction of the award. Intimation of compliance should be furnished to the Tribunal. In some cases, where the compensation is awarded to minor claimant(s) or otherwise, the Tribunal directs for keeping a certain percentage of the amount in a fixed deposit. Such a direction can always be issued in the award itself to be complied with by the concerned bank. When the amount is transferred by the Insurance Company in the account of the claimant(s), it shall be the responsibility of the bank to ensure that specified portion thereof is kept in the fixed deposit. Compliance is to be reported by the bank(s) to the Tribunal. It is also a fact that substantial amount of compensation in motor accident cases remains deposited in the Tribunal as the claimant(s) may not have approached the Tribunal for release thereof for various reasons. Delay for any reason in release of compensation in motor accident cases by the Tribunal to the claimant(s), where the amount is deposited in Tribunal, as directed, results in loss of interest to the claimant(s). In case the aforesaid process is followed, the gap would be bridged. The real object of the beneficial legislation, namely to compensate for the loss of earning member of the family or for the injuries suffered by the claimant(s), will be achieved and compensation can be disbursed without any delay. Directions were issued for bank transfer of amount of compensation in motor accident cases, but the Courts/Tribunals can always follow this process in any matter, whenever any amount is to be paid by one party to another, however, ensuring proper compliance.

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  • Supreme Court Of India
    (From : AIROnline 2024 Mad 332)

    Hon'ble Judge(s) Hon'ble Judge(s): Bela M. Trivedi, Prasanna B. Varale , JJ

    Auroville Foundation v. Natasha Storey

    D.O.D : 17/03/2025

    Appeal Allowed

    (A) Constitution of India , Art.226— Auroville Foundation Act (54 of 1988) , S.17— Writ petition - Suppression of material facts - Respondent, resident of Auroville Society had challenged standing order for reconstitution of Auroville Town Development Council - Respondent had filed Writ Petition earlier, seeking substantially same relief as sought in present proceedings and that petition was dismissed - Filing of another petition suppressing material fact of filing of earlier petition and its dismissal , was abuse of process of court - High Court had erred in entertaining subsequent petition which was ill-motivated having been filed to hamper development of Auroville and to cause obstructions in smooth functioning of Governing Board of Foundation - Petition was dismissed with costs of Rs.50,000/-

    AIROnline 2024 Mad 332-Reversed(Paras7819)

    (B) Auroville Foundation Act (54 of 1988) , S.17— Auroville Town Development Council - Standing order for reconstitution of - Legality - Residents of Auroville Society challenged standing order for reconstitution of Auroville Town Development Council - Under Auroville Foundation Act and Rules, general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of the Foundation vests in the Governing Board alone - There is no legal or statutory right conferred upon Residents' Assembly or upon an individual resident to be part of any committee/council constituted by Governing Board - Functions of Residents' Assembly are confined only to advise Governing Board in respect of activities relating to residents of Auroville and to make recommendations as specified in Section 19 of Act - Standing order for reconstitution of Auroville Town Development Council was legal

    AIROnline 2024 Mad 332-Reversed(Paras1114161718)

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  • Supreme Court Of India

    Hon'ble Judge(s) Hon'ble Judge(s): Bela M. Trivedi, Prasanna B. Varale , JJ

    Auroville Foundation v. Navroz Kersasp Mody

    D.O.D : 17/03/2025

    Appeal Allowed

    National Green Tribunal Act (19 of 2010) , S.14, S.2(1)(m)— National Green Tribunal - Jurisdiction of - Scope - Tribunal can exercise jurisdiction when a substantial question relating to environment including enforcement of any legal right relating to environment is involved and such question arises out of implementation of enactments specified in Schedule I - Applicant had alleged that while constructing roads in township, forest area known as Darkali forest was being destructed - Neither substantial question relating to environment had arisen, nor violation of any of the enactments specified in Schedule-I was alleged - Tribunal had committed gross error in assuming jurisdiction and giving directions untenable in law under the guise of exceptional circumstances applying the "Precautionary Principle."

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  • Meghalaya High Court

    Hon'ble Judge(s) Hon'ble Judge(s): I. P. Mukerji , C.J. AND W. Diengdoh , J

    State of Meghalaya v. Smt. Uttora G. Sangma

    D.O.D : 12/03/2025

    Appeal Dismissed

    Constitution of India , Art.226, Art.309 Proviso— Meghalaya Civil Services (Pension) Rules (1983) , R.38A— Retiral benefits - Entitlement for - Respondent was appointed on an "ad hoc basis" as an Assistant teacher in 1988 and was regularized in 1996, requested voluntary retirement in 2022 - After various correspondences, her resignation was accepted in 2023 - However, Meghalaya Public Service Commission regularised her service retroactively from 1996 - Authorities had previously considered her case for regularisation, and resignation was not acted upon - Despite her resignation, service was regularised, and she was deemed to have resigned as a regular employee and treated as voluntarily retired - Order of Single judge directing authority to pay all retiral benefits including pension to respondent under the Meghalaya Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1983 was proper.

    AIROnline 2024 MEG 128-Affirmed(Paras252627283031323334)

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  • Hon'ble Judge(s) Hon'ble Judge(s): Chandra Dhari Singh , J

    Mohd. Munib v. State (NCT of Delhi)

    D.O.D : 11/03/2025

    Petition Dismissed

    (A) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2 of 2016) , S.94— Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules (2016) , R.12— Determination of age - Procedure to be followed - Prosecution produced multiple documents reflecting three different dates of birth for Child in Conflict, which were, 27.6.2005 (as per certain identity documents), 17.6.2005 (as per some official records) and 8.7.2005 (as per school records) - Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) while conducting age determination process, relied solely on school records accepting 8.7.2005 as date of birth of Child in Conflict - JJB had followed hierarchy laid down in R.12, relying on first available document in statutory order of preference - Complainant had failed to produce any legally admissible document that holds greater evidentiary value than school records - Mere presence of alternative dates in other documents does not, by itself, invalidate school record unless proven to be forged which was not demonstrated - Age determination process of JJB was legally sound and was in consonance with R.12 and S.94 - Date of birth of Child in Conflict as 8.7.2005 was found to be valid, confirming his juvenility at time of offence - Plea of complainant to try Child in Conflict as adult was rejected.

    (B) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2 of 2016) , S.15— Trial as juvenile - Preliminary assessment into heinous offences - Mental and physical capacity of juvenile to commit offence - Child in Conflict was charged with commission of murder and disposing of body of deceased - Upon examining reports relied upon by Juvenile Justice Board (JJB), they indicated that Child in Conflict exhibited cognitive immaturity, poor impulse control and an ability to fully comprehend gravity of his actions - Findings suggest that his decision-making ability was compromised due to his adolescent risk-taking behaviour, lack of parental supervision, and susceptibility to external influence, particularly his father - Social Investigation Report did not indicate a pattern of criminal behaviour or premeditation beyond immediate circumstances of offence - Same supported conclusion of JJB that Child in Conflict did not possess necessary mental and physical maturity to be tried as an adult - Preliminary assessment conducted by JJB under S.15 of JJ Act and finding that Child in Conflict was to be tried as a juvenile was proper.

    (C) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2 of 2016) , S.12— Bail - Grant of - Child in conflict was charged with commission of murder and disposing of body of deceased - Prosecution had not demonstrated any substantial likelihood of child in conflict associating with known criminals if released and there was no evidence that his release would expose him to moral, physical or psychological harm - There was no material to support that his release would defeat ends of justice, as mere apprehension of interference with witnesses was not sufficient without actual supporting material - In absence of any cogent grounds justifying denial of bail under S.12, grant of bail to child in conflict was justified.

    AIROnline 2025 Pat 46-Relied on(Paras495051)

    (D) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act (2 of 2016) , S.12— Grant of bail - Opportunity of hearing - JJ Act prescribes a clear procedural framework for seeking bail on behalf of a Child in Conflict with law (CCL), with initial application to be made before JJB under S.12 - Said provision does not require complainant or victim to be granted an opportunity of hearing during bail proceedings - Legislative intent does not indicate any requirement to notify or hear complainant before considering bail application of CCL at any stage - Order granting bail to a CCL, does not cause any legal prejudice to complainant or victim - In light of statutory scheme and legislative intent, it was evident that there was no unqualified right for complainant to be heard at every stage of bail proceedings under JJ Act.

    AIROnline 2021 Raj 256-Relied on(Paras555762)

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