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Interlocutory Order and Final Order

By S. A. Karim

Published In

CRI LJ 2012

In a criminal case, there are very many situations that end in orders. It may be an interlocutory order or final one. Interlocutory order is one that has to be decided finally later. Final order is one that is final as far as the issue is concerned. Sessions Court can revise the final order under Section 397, Criminal Procedure Code, for it’s incorrectness, illegality or impropriety. High Court does the same thing under Section 401 of the Code. High Court deals with interlocutory orders under Section 482 of the Code. It is the inherent power. High Court exercises this power under three contingencies. It may be for giving effect to any order, or it may be to prevent abuse of the process of any Court or it may be to secure the ends of justice. There is a thin difference between interlocutory order and final one. Final order is amenable to revisional jurisdiction. No revision lies against interlocutory order. High Court is at one place in a State. There are High C ....

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